2020-2024: BA (Hons) in Fine Art Photography, Glasgow School of Art, UK
2022-2023: Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien, AT (exchange programme)
2019: The Danish School of Art Photography Fatamorgana, Copenhagen, DK
Upcoming and past exhibitions
March 2025: Reminiscence of an Echo, Vienna, AT
2024: Hidden in Plain Sight, duo-exhibition with Christine Clemmesen, Arden Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
2024: Degree Show, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK
2024: Private Windows, duo-exhibition with Matilda Reid, New Glasgow Society, Glasgow, UK
2024: Collecting Leftover Crops, Solo exhibition, The Little Institute, Glasgow, UK
2024: One to One, The Little Institute, Glasgow, UK
2023: POP UP ARTS festival, Copenhagen, DK
2023: AMBI, Pipe Factory, Glasgow, UK
2023: Time Spent, New Glasgow Society, Glasgow, UK
2023: Annual Rundgang, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna, AT
2021: OFF GRID #3, Glasgow, UK
2021: Et Hjem, Udstillingsrummet Otte, Copenhagen, DK
2020: 4 set of 13 reps, Galleri Blaa, Copenhagen, DK
2019: Fatamorgana summer exhibition, Galleri Krebsen, Copenhagen, DK
2018: Tosomhed, Det Kongelige Teater, Copenhagen, DK
May 2025: Duo-exhibition by Kaya Erdinç and Ellie Ford, Listen Gallery, Glasgow, UK
2024: The Little Award Show, group exhibition, The Little Institute, Glasgow, UK
2024: Big Bad Wolf by Rachel Howard, The Little Institute, Glasgow, UK
2024: The bed is a … Landscape, full of folds by Ted Tinker, The Little Institute, Glasgow, UK
2024: One to One, group exhibition, The Little Institute, Glasgow, UK
December 2024: ‘Mirror, Sign, Mmm…’, presentation and talk with Kaya Erdinç on Subtitles, Limestone Books, Maastricht, NL
2024: featured in the literary magazine ‘MATERIA’, Hamburg, DE / Copenhagen, DK
2023: Rememberings, Self-published
2022: Outside In, Inside out, Self-Published
January 2025: Vi-Tre, Bontebok, NL
2021: Gregor Hildebrandt, Grzegorzki Production, Berlin, DE